

In my opinion and experience, there cannot be a blanket approach to all people and what they require to integrate back into their respective realities post treatment in a substance abuse centre, correctional services facility, juvenile detention or reformatory per se. Careful consideration must be made as to what each clients reality is and what is realistic in terms of avoidance of people, places and things upon their release. I work with clients to build up emotional muscle prior to release to empower them to be the best versions of themselves so they can make better life choices and decisions. We will work together on passions, desires, triggers, and fears to pre-empt scenarios to attempt to ready and prepare the client for what is to come.


This is in house or out house coaching of clients with substance abuse disorders, often behavioural disorders, and sometimes mental illness. The aim is to build up and strategise what each client’s recovery capital is and how they are going to get it. Building recovery capital, keeps us safe and in recovery. I work in conjunction with Psychiatrist, psychologists, social workers, and councillors to maximize the client’s authenticity and honesty with all the existing relationships and support structures.


Peer Support Specialists like myself walk side by side with individuals seeking recovery from substance use disorders. I help people to create their own recovery plans and develop their own recovery pathways. I am a Peer Support Specialist with “lived experience” and have been trained to support those who struggle with mental health disorders, trauma, or substance abuse and dependency. Their personal experience of these challenges provides Peer Support Specialists like myself, with expertise that professional training cannot replicate.


I will assist and guide a business owner in running a business by helping them clarify the vision of their business and how it fits in with their personal goals. Business coaching is a process used to take a business from where it is now to where the business owner wants it to be. Coaches have years of experience that they bring to the table. They help owners figure out what their goals are, and create a road map to reach them. Their perspective on the company can help owners see which items are just tasks and which are long term objectives.


A Wellness Coach is a professional who helps people assess their current physical and emotional state. In saying this, I help people set goals for what they want to achieve in their overall wellness and health by working with them on plans of action to reach these goals. As a health coach, I like to empower others to take action through motivation, inspiration, and guided discussions. As a health coach, I have the ability to tap into someone’s motivation and foster action.

I cannot wait to take your hand on this journey at whatever stage in your life you may be at.
I am here to support you and make sure you live your best life possible.

My passion is empowering others to live their best lives regardless of circumstances.

I have lived experience in many avenues both corporate and on the streets.

Read my blog for the latest findings in coaching and recovery tips.

I am here to support you and would be honoured to be part of your recovery journey.

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My passion is helping and empowering others to live their best lives regardless of circumstances. Here I share some of my experiences along the road to not only to others’ recovery journey, but also my own.


A look into the lives of my clients after their reintegration coaching

It is hard to believe how my life was before I came to see you. I feel like I’m totally in control of my life. Before our counseling sessions I was very depressed and really didn’t have the energy to try be positive and live a happy life, but because of our counseling sessions with you, it made life worth living You will never truly understand how much you’ve done for me and for us as a family.
I could not have been more blessed, fortunate and lucky enough to have Lauren Alexis Laventhal support and coach me through my recovery. I felt completely comfortable when speaking to her. I felt she understood me, I felt accepted, supported and she could always relate to everything and anything I was going through or experiencing.
Lauren has always had a natural way of working with people. Having had her officially council me through my personal challenges not only helped me tremendously but made me happy to see that finally there is an evolved version of counseling taking place. Finally a a person that councils the individual and not the category.
I just want to thank you for the amazing person you are and thank you for coaching us as a family once Eugene came out of prison. You will never realize the impact you made in our lives for making sure we were okay while Eugene was serving his time in prison. Not only did your counseling session help me to deal with a new born baby, but also it helped me not to be angry at myself for the having to raise a baby for 2 years without a daddy.
I can’t express the tremendous impact of having your council and assistance in these past weeks. Life and all of its challenges can become very overwhelming, it can place a very heavy burden on an individual that makes coping with personal challenges very difficult. You have made a very big impact on my personal life and I would like to greatly thank you for your insight and guidance through my own personal challenges.
The day I walked into that room and we just clicked like a house on fire. I never ever felt that way before, she made me feel so comfortable with myself I could be me around her. She understood me, she could relate to me. it’s very rare that you find someone who can listen to u, give advice but understand and feel what you feeling and that’s what makes Lauren amazing.


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